Private Lessons
The goal in private lessons is to improve your technique. We can improve your long or short shots. Driving, putting, and anything in between. Technique, however isn't the only thing we can improve. Routines, club choices, shot choices and many other parts of the game often have room for improvement.
A guideline for a lesson:
You will practice plenty. You will hit a lot of shots!
You will learn new facts and skills
You will receive "homework" so you can practice on your own
Tools during the lesson:
Video Analysis
Foresight launch monitor as an option (+10 €/h)
Various training aids
Your instructor! :)
Price: 55 € / h
Includes instruction, mat rental and practice balls
Private lessons are for 1-2 people. Contact me, if you are looking for lessons for more than 2 people.
I recommend the Foresight option especially for the first lesson. Foresight gives more depth to the analysis and you will also see a simulated ball flight via a screen.